How to review
a paper

Self-paced course / on demand

Learn in 60 minutes how to write a stellar review report

Why join a course on reviewing papers? 

Reviewing papers—the process of evaluating a piece of research to determine if it’s worthy of being published in a journal—doesn’t always come naturally to researchers. Many worry about investing excessive time while aiming to deliver a fair and appreciated review, both by authors and journals. Enrolling in a paper reviewing course is essential, providing researchers with the tools to evaluate and offer constructive feedback on academic work efficiently. Acquiring these skills not only bolsters effective contributions to one’s field but also ensures rigorous peer review, fostering quality research dissemination and advancing the scholarly community.


What you learn? 

This course will instruct you on paper reviewing for international peer-reviewed journals. You’ll acquire the essential background knowledge to excel in this skill, coupled with a straightforward roadmap to follow during the reviewing process. Throughout the course, you’ll grasp how to craft a review report and efficiently complete review tasks, eliminating the need for extended time commitments. 

Who benefits most? 

Early-career researchers, first-time reviewers, and any researchers seeking to enhance their reviewing skills or reduce the time required for completing review assignments will benefit from this course. Prior reviewing experience is not necessary. Ideally, you can undertake this course while preparing to review a journal paper, enabling direct application of the gained knowledge to your reviewing task.

What topics do we cover? 

The course is split into two parts: 

Part 01 provides essential background knowledge about the peer-review process, covering lessons such as: 

  • What is peer-review?
  • Review types and actors
  • How does the peer-review process work?
  • How are reviewers selected?
  • Why conduct peer-review?
  • How much time to spend on peer-review?
  • Review ethics
  • How to become a reviewer?
  • What journal editors expect from reviewers and what not 

Part 02 provides an easy-to-apply roadmap for how to review a paper covering lessons such as:

  • Workflow to review a paper
  • Overview of review criteria
  • Reviewing the paper
  • Writing the comments and recommendation
  • Second review round

What learning materials are provided?

The course comprises numerous short video lessons covering each step of the peer-review process, guiding learners through the review task incrementally. Furthermore, supplementary resources, such as a sample review sheet and a review guide outlining the course’s essential steps, are included.

Download the complete course overview as a PDF file by clicking on the button below:

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How is it taught?

This self-paced course is designed for researchers to engage with at their convenience. Instead of adhering to a specific schedule, learners can navigate the course content whenever it suits them. Each individual lesson is concise, focusing on a single aspect for learners to master or comprehend before progressing. Many lessons conclude with exercises designed to facilitate the completion of review tasks.

The significant advantage of this on-demand approach is that researchers can promptly undertake the course when invited to review a paper, enabling the immediate application of knowledge from the lessons.

The course is hosted on our e-learning platform, accessible via desktop and mobile devices with internet connectivity. 

About the Instructor

Gunther Tress (PhD) is an enthusiastic Research Career and Science Communication Expert, a former Journal Editor with Elsevier, and a former book series editor with Springer. He is helping academics for 18+ years successfully communicate their research through publishing excellent journal papers and delivering stellar research presentations. He is a graduate of Heidelberg University (D), obtained a PhD in Landscape Ecology from Roskilde University (DK), and worked for a decade as researcher and lecturer at universities in Roskilde (DK), Wageningen (NL), and Aberdeen (UK).

.Gunther Tress

How to enrol in the course? 

Individual researchers can secure their spot for the course directly online: click here to enrol. 

Institutions can request group or campus licenses to provide their students and staff members with access to this course. Kindly reach out to us at to receive a tailored offer.  

Course fee and access

The course fee is EUR 175 (including VAT) and can be conveniently paid online. Upon enrolling in the course, you will gain immediate access to the entire curriculum, allowing you to commence your studies. This access remains valid for a duration of 6 months following the purchase.

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Beginners, no reviewing skills required

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Their Reviews

Marie Chedru

I found the content of ‚How to Review a Paper‘ to be very helpful, especially in establishing a rigorous outline for the review process. The course’s emphasis on professionalism and efficiency has made the daunting task of paper reviewing more manageable. The tools and insights provided have significantly contributed to my confidence in undertaking paper reviewing. The most significant benefit I gained from the course is the ability to approach paper reviewing with a more systematic and time-efficient mindset.

Dr. Marie Chédru, Assoc. Professor